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Monster Bucks

Hunt trophy bucks on over 30,000 acres of prime woodlands in Missouri in November.
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Cash Prizes

$150,000 in cash and prizes awarded every year with an extra $35,000 bonus every 5 years!
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For Over 35 Years!

Unquestionably America's premier hunting event, the Whitetail Trophy Hunt has been in continual operation for over three decades!
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Whitetail Trophy Hunt

The 2024 Whitetail Trophy Hunt is now history and it was super!! A little rain one day didn't get in the way of three great days of buck harvesting! As a matter of fact, it was so well received we have already booked all registrations for 2025, but if you want to be in the 2026 Hunt sign up now before it's too late. Entries are limited to 220 participants and if you're familiar with this hunt, the available slots fill quickly. Special congrats go to Nelson Bogard who grabbed top honors with the best scoring buck and $15,000 in prize money along with a free hunt in 2025! BIG NEWS COMING SOON, SO STAY TUNED!

2025 Hunt dates are November 15, 16, & 17.